

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rude Malaysians don’t know how to queue

MARK OF HONOUR: Japanese queueing for the train

IT makes me quite sad to hear on the radio these days how we Malaysians need to be reminded to be patient
and courteous on the roads.

As the announcer states, giving way to other motorists would at most delay our journeys by an average 40 seconds. In the overall scheme of things, waiting 40 seconds does not really cause us much harm and can in fact reduce our stress levels.

This is already the practice among residents in most developed countries that we Malaysians keep on aspiring to emulate, but fail to actually follow in both thought and spirit. It’s no wonder then that we keep hearing the constant refrain of ‘world class facilities, but third class mentality’ being applied to ourselves!

This rude practice also extends to how we supposedly queue up at various points. How many times have you seen commuters actually queueing up to board a bus, train or the LRT?

Granted that the public transport system needs major improvement, but a quick look at how things are done in Japan will put many of us to shame.

The crowd of commuters there waiting to board the trains are far more than what we have in Malaysia.

Yet, the overall situation in Japan’s train stations is far less chaotic – because the passengers actually make it a point to stay in their queues. This is because the Japanese see it as a mark of politeness and honour to stay in the queue – as only uncouth barbarians would shove and push their way forward while others have been waiting patiently.

From this viewpoint, we Malaysians definitely have a long way to go before we can be seen as being refined and having a world class mentality.

Even when some actually make an effort to form queues, it only takes one errant person skipping forward to trigger off a chaotic situation as the herd mentality kicks in.

This behaviour is especially galling as our schoolchildren actually keep to their queues in schools, but their parents often tell them to do otherwise in public.

Is this how we want to perpetuate this poor image of a rude Malaysian into the next generation?

Maybe it’s time for concerned individuals to take the first step of setting virtuous examples for others to follow. Since many of us now use cellphones fitted with cameras, it would be interesting to see how many images of rude Malaysians cutting queues can then be seen at various blogsites.

Michael Wong

taken from ---->


  1. " Since many of us now use cellphones fitted with cameras, it would be interesting to see how many images of rude Malaysians cutting queues can then be seen at various blogsites." ------> Yup, i totally 100% agree with this statement, we should display those rude Malaysians on the blog or on the BILBOARD!!..huhuhuhahaha...

  2. eleh...relax bro.... it could be YOU ..that will be displayed on the billboards and blog sites...huhuhahah... this problem actually related to our Iman and Akhlak.. if we, ourselves practice the concept of Ihsan, where we should feel Allah is watching whatever we do, wherever and whenever we are, this problem will be settle on its own, we would never conduct any misbehavior on and off screen because why? because Allah is watching over you.....ehhehehe..that`s my opinion..

  3. the question is.... can we compare our beloved Malaysia with Japan? please lah... Japan is waaaayyyyy better man! question ask....the Japanese love their country, they show appreciation to their country by expressing their nationalism spirit with their attitude, they don`t throw garbage everywhere, they are willing to practice patience, unlike Malysian.. you know why most Malaysian are Roody Poo?? (means rude lah) .. because these Roody Poo Malaysian have not spirit of nationalism.., they don`t love this country, that`s why all the 'Gomen' (read 'Malaysian Government) campaigns of 'Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita' can be flush down in the toilet bowl... Most Malaysian have no sense of nationalism whatsoever...

  4. yup...same thing with Al Amin, Bangi, the students were rude and throw garbage everywhere because they don`t have the sense of belonging to the school... they just don`t feel that they were a part of the school... if they love the school to its core, they wouldn`t do such thing... you know what i mean, being rude to the Mualliam and Muallimah, plus throw garbage and damaging school properties, in their hearts, they don`t feel the school is their second home..or the school`s properties are like their own properties...

  5. ala...tak payah tengok jauh jauh, jepun or KL... kat Kantin/ tempat makan sekolah kita tu la buktinya 'Rude Malaysian' ...kui kui kui.. mana reti nak beratur, loceng bunyi ja, semua students lari macam lembu matador terlepas dari kandang kat Sepanyol nun, yang tua form 4 dgn form 5 pon lari tak cukup tanah pastu potong line sesuka hati... tolak dan siku abih bebudak Form 1 yang kecik halus tu.. kui kui

  6. ala, Gomen asyik membazir duit rakyat je dengan kempen tak munasabah... sepatutnya the Gomen enforce the law.. sapa yang didapati bersalah dengan memotong line ke, membahayakan nyawa orang awam ke,berkelakuan kurang sopan di hadapan publik patutnya ditangkap dan dipaksa melakukan kerja2 khidmat sosial.. ha, baru padan muka.. sesuka hati je bila buat tak ingat dunia, fikir diri sendiri je... baru tobat sket..

  7. emph..

    spe ntah atas tu ckp betul.. mmg semuanya refleksi buat diri sendiri. kalau terasa Allah sedang perhatikan, mesti tak berani nak buat masalah. tak perlulah nak menghukum-menghukum pasti aman dunia kalau semua orang sedar.

    tapi......sebab banyak yang tak sedar, perlulah ketatkan peraturan dan menghukum. manusia ni perlu pakai cara keras baru nak insaf. kalau tengok al-amin, ni sebab laws yang tak ketat, thats why lah masing2 langgar peraturan men kaler2 rambut. ops!

  8. renungan..
    kata2 syed qutb(kalau x silap) lepas pulah dari europe(perancis kot..);
    "aku lihat Islam di Eropah tapi aku x nampak org Islam. Bila aku pulang ke Mesir, aku nampak orang Islam tapi aku x nampak Islam!"
