

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The Global Implications of Google’s Stand Against Chinese Censorship

Google dropped a bombshell, declaring that it won’t censor Chinese search results after sophisticated attacks on the Gmail accounts of Chinese human activists. This opens the door not only for China to kick Google out of its country, but for a renewal of the battle over censorship and government oppression in China.

I’m going to divide this analysis of the ramifications of Google’s decision into three sections: what this means for China, the impact of the decision on global politics and its potential effect on censorship itself.


Google (Google) may be taking a stand and threatening to pull out, but we predict that it won’t be enough to sway the Chinese government to let the Google China search engine run unfiltered, even if world governments apply strong pressure.

Let me make it clear: China has a long and disturbing history of censorship. I could link to hundreds of examples, but I think you get the picture.

Google isn’t the U.S. Government; it doesn’t have the political or technological leverage to make the Chinese government to do anything. Even the U.S. Government has limited influence, due to the economic ties between the two nations and our large debt to the Asian nation.

To think that China would change its rules and allow its citizens unfiltered access to what it believes is objectionable content (e.g. porn), as well as information and images on its greatest atrocities, is absurd. China backing off would weaken its iron-grip hold and open it up to more calls for the abolition of censorship inside its borders.

The end result is that Google will likely be gone from China and censorship will continue, at least in the short term. Only if Google agrees to some less-restricted censorship rules will the search engine be allowed to stay.

China’s about to feel some heat from the rest of the world, though.


Google pulling out of China won’t be the end of the issue. Members of Congress have been very critical of not only China’s censorship and human rights violations, but of Google for complying with Chinese censors.

Now lawmakers and governments worldwide have another reason to speak out if China kicks Google out. The criticism will mount from institutions, organizations and governments worldwide over China’s decision.

Google’s positioning it so that this is China’s decision, not Google’s, over whether the search engine stays operational within the nation’s borders. This is a smart move on Google’s part and places China in an uncomfortable position.

The world will also begin to focus on the specifics of the attack on Google’s infrastructure. Who was targeted? How deep of a role did China play? What information do they have? What actions can be taken against China?

In the end, though, China is a sovereign nation with one of the world’s largest economies. There will be a lot of head-butting over the next few weeks, but we doubt that anything more severe than condemnations will be issued.

The posturing and criticism will, however, return the spotlight to China and its questionable practices. That is a good thing. The debate has been reignited, which will make us question once again what China is doing on the web and beyond.


The world’s focus on major issues comes and goes. It was red-hot on Iran during the Iran Election Crisis and has been on and off when it comes to Chinese censorship and their human rights violations.

Today’s move places the spotlight back on China and the state of censorship, at least for the next few weeks. The 24/7 news cycle will analyze all angles, especially if China does end up kicking Google out. The more information that comes out, the more pressure that will be placed on China.

Even though Google will likely be a casualty of the censorship war, it will not have been taken down in vain. Activists will be reinvigorated, new information will be revealed, and the fight against oppression will continue.

How the war will turn out or when it will end is anybody’s guess. We haven’t even come close to seeing the full implications of Google’s decision. You can bet, though, that the effect will be felt for years to come in political, social and technological circles worldwide.


  1. this all censorship crap is about to control the society, like the one in M_ L_ _S _ _
    the Gomen utilizes the media to shape the mind of the people and also impose their hidden agenda in order to stay in power.. he he :-)


  2. i did yawn while reading this blog..:D

    [pendebat tahu yang mereka salah, tetapi masih bodoh mempertikaikannya.]

    ouch, how rude.
    can you accept this fact?

  3. if you feel like yawning, go to sleep..

    Anon April 5, 2010,.. please introduce yourself.. what are you talking about?

  4. anonymous April 5, what`s up? tak puas hati dengan pendebat sekolah ke?

  5. azriel, buat apa sekarang? dah masuk U ke? congrats on your SPM.. did you got A+ for English? :-)

    Mlmh Nad

  6. Please post your comments regarding the issue only, kalau ada yang tidak berpuas hati pasal kelab debat sila jumpa Muallimah, tak payah komen di blog... mulai saat ini, komen komen negatif yang tidak intelektual dan tidak membina yang ditujukan kepada kelab debat atau pendebat sekolah akan di delete, antum sudah dewasa, tidak perlu berkelakuan seperti orang yang tidak berakal.. sekian

    Muallimah Nadia Fitriah

  7. wah..bagus solehah.this proves you did some readings on your own..

    so lepas ni sape upate plak?
